Video Blog Feature - Over 950 Attend Ohio River Watershed Celebration, Watershed Groups, Individuals Honored

This year'sOhio River Watershed Celebrationexceeded all expectations by attracting over 950 people that sailed down the Ohio from Pittsburgh on two Gateway Clipper tour boats.

Over 2,150 people have attended watershed improvement conferences so far in 2008. (See previous articles.)

The Imagination Cruise boat, which was reserved for 300 students and their 150 attending adults, was a huge success. Non-stop environmental education activities were provided by 18 different organizations during the cruise.(More next week.)

Video Blog:Welcome to the 2008 Ohio River Watershed Celebration!

On the Networking Cruise boat, there were displays from over 70 watershed and alternative energy organizations, along with presentations on a variety of issues and a running narration highlight key features along the river.(More next week.)

A highlight of the Networking Cruise were two awards programs, one for the best displays which, earned the winners a grant of either $500 or $250, and the second were the annual environmental awards. Here are the winners in each of the programs.

The Environmental Award winners were recognized in four categories--

Individual: Greg Phillips,Westmoreland County Conservation District, was recognized for his 25 years of leadership in restoring watersheds, promoting farm conservation, treating and reclaiming abandoned mines, his leadership in helping to create several watershed groups and the PA CleanWays organization and for developing green building projects. Phillipswas recently appointedas Pennsylvania's representative on ORSANCO.

Government:Allegheny County Council, Joseph Cataneseaccepting, was recognized for their efforts in looking at the rivers of the Pittsburgh region as an opportunity, not a negative, and garnering support for the rebirth of the waterfronts through the development of a comprehensive riverfront development plan.

Business/Industry:Artemis Environmental Building Materials, Janice Donatelliaccepting, was recognized for her work in encouraging the development and sale of products using recycled and renewable materials, including, cork flooring, "linoleum" flooring made from linseed oil, biofiber wheat board, bamboo countertops and other products. (See Post-Gazette story.)

Energy Conservation: Marty McKinney,Cranberry Township, was recognized for his leadership in conserving energy, promoting energy efficiency and aggressively reducing energy use by the township through the use of coordinated traffic signals and the LED lights.

Video Blog:Watch The Presentation Of The Environmental Awards

Display Award winners receive a total of $3,000 in grants in four categories--

Best Overall Display:The Awesome Spirit of Wildlife- $500,Somerset County Conservation District- $250

Most Innovative Project:Loyalhanna Watershed Association- $500, Natural Diversity- $250

Community & Outreach Education:Crooked Creek Watershed Association- $500,Washington County Watershed Alliance- $250

Best Example of Partnerships:Group Against Smog & Pollution- $500, Elk County Freshwater Association- $250

Next week watch for a more extensive Video Blog Feature on the Ohio Watershed Celebration!


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