18 States, DEP: EPA Cannot Dictate Greenhouse Gas Standards For Existing Power Plants

On October 1, Acting DEP Secretary Chris Abruzzo sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency outlining Pennsylvania’s support for a letter from 18 states’ attorneys general saying while EPA may have the statutory authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, they cannot dictate what those standards should be to states for existing power plants.

Secretary Abruzzo wrote in part:

“As you know, Pennsylvania’s electric generation portfolio consists of considerable coal and natural gas fueled electric generation units, and therefore will be significantly affected by whatever final standards are adopted.

“The Commonwealth takes seriously, and has demonstrated through its robust environmental protection standards, its commitment to the protection of public health and our environment.  Pennsylvania promulgates these standards through robust public and stakeholder engagement, and in adherence to the rule of law laid out in the guiding state and federal statutes.

“Additionally, while we repect the statutory obligations of the EPA in establishing procedures for the control of regulated emissions, it is equally important, and incumbent upon the EPA, to respect the role of the individual states to set specific control standards from individual sources.

“This statutory directive, along with recent precedent that gives pause regarding EPA’s commitment to these principles, is outlined in detail in the states’ white paper.”

Attorney Generals in the states of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

EPA has scheduled a listening session on greenhouse gas reduction proposals on October 18 in Philadelphia.

A copy of the DEP letter is available online.


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