Rep. DiGirolamo Introduces 4.9 Percent Natural Gas Severance Tax Proposal

Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks) Thursday introduced House Bill 2358 (DiGirolamo-R-Bucks) providing for the imposition of a 4.9 percent natural gas severance tax to replace the drilling impact fees-- sponsor summary.

The bill would allocate 40 percent of revenues to replace impact fee revenues now going to local governments.

The remaining 60 percent would be allocated to these programs--

-- Basic education                                                       40%

-- Environmental Stewardship Fund (Growing Greener) 10%

-- Investment in State Parks & State Forests                     10%

-- Solar energy-Pennsylvania Sunshine Program                  4%

-- Drug and Alcohol Programs                                         8%

-- Adults with Special Needs                                           8%

-- Behavioral Health                                                     5%

-- Human Services Development Fund                              5%

-- Homeowners’ Emergency Mortgage Assistance                 3%

-- Rape and Domestic Violence Programs                           2%

-- Veterans Homes                                                       2%

-- Industry Partnerships                                                 3%

The bill was referred to the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee. Click Here for a summary of other severance tax proposals now in the Senate and House.


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