DEP Employees Honored With Secretary’s Excellence Awards

DEP Secretary E. Christopher Abruzzo this week presented excellence awards to 10 department employees for their outstanding work during the past year. There are five categories of awards:  Community Service, Leadership, Team Achievement, Individual Achievement and Dedication.

"I applaud the work of these employees who go above and beyond their scope of work on a daily basis," Abruzzo said. "They embody the best characteristics of public servants by being problem solvers who find creative solutions to complex environmental issues."

The winners are as follows:

-- Secretary's Community Service Award -- Sean Robbins, Assistant Regional Counsel, DEP Northeast Regional Office, Wilkes-Barre.

-- Secretary's Leadership Award -- Nicholas Lazor, Environmental Program Manager, DEP Bureau of Air Quality, Harrisburg.

-- Secretary's Outstanding Achievement Award (Team) -- St. Michaels Discharge workgroup.  Members include Michael Bodnar, Senior Civil Engineer; Robert Dospoy, Hydraulic Civil Engineer; Joel Koricich, District Mining Manager;  Richard Morrison, Chief Counsel; William Plassio, Director, Bureau of District Mining Operations; and Martin Sokolow, Attorney, Southcentral Regional Office.

-- Secretary's Outstanding Achievement Award (Individual)  -- Richard Beam, Licensed Professional Geologist, Cambria District Office.

-- Secretary's Dedication Award -- Michael (Josh) Lookenbill, Water Program Specialist, Bureau of Point and Non-point Source Management, Harrisburg.

Click Here for photos and a description of the awardees’ accomplishments.

(Reprinted from the July 10 DEP NewsClick Here to sign up for your own copy.)


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