Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The Environmental Quality Board will meet on October 21 with an agenda that includes: Proposed Regulations on the Control of VOC Emissions From Metal Parts, Surface Coatings, Boats; Proposed Regulations on Security Rule for Radioactive Material; Rulemaking Petitions: Ban On Water Fluoridation and Bottled Water Fluoride Labeling; and the 3-Year Fee Report for Chapter 102 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program. Click Here for available handouts. The meeting will be held in Room 105 Rachel Carson Building starting at 9:00.

No new regulations were published this week. Pennsylvania Bulletin - October 4, 2014

DEP Regulations In Process

Proposed Regulations Open For Comment - DEP webpage

Proposed Regulations With Closed Comment Periods - DEP webpage

Recently Finalized Regulations - DEP webpage

DEP Regulatory Update - DEP webpage

Technical Guidance & Permits

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of draft technical guidance for public comment changing the policy for identifying, tracking and resolving oil and gas violations and for coordinating immediate responses and final remediation of spills and releases of substances into soils.

DEP also published notice of certification requests for credits under the Nutrient Credit Trading Program and proposed changes to the State Air Quality Implementation Plan to redesignate the Johnstown area as meeting the PM 2.5 standard.  A public hearing will be held November 5.

The Executive Board published notice of a reorganization of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

DEP ID: 260-0500-001. Title: Policy for Coordinating Immediate Responses and Final Remediation of Spills and Releases. Description: This policy summarizes how the Department oversees immediate responses and final remediation of spills and releases of regulated substances onto soils. The purpose of the policy is to facilitate the consistent investigation of and the response to spills and to coordinate immediate response needs with final remediation endpoints.

Written Comments: Interested persons may submit written comments on this Draft Technical Guidance Document by November 3, 2014. Comments submitted by facsimile will not be accepted. Comments, including comments submitted by e-mail, must include the originator's name and address. Written comments should be submitted to Molly Adams, Bureau of Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields, P. O. Box 8471, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8471, 717-787-1566,  Contact: Randy Roush, 717-787-1566 or send email to:

DRAFT: DEP ID: 550-3000-001. Title: Standards and Guidelines for Identifying, Tracking, and Resolving Oil and Gas Violations. Description: This policy provides direction to Department staff in determining enforcement actions the Department will pursue to resolve violations and achieve compliance with applicable laws and regulations related to conventional and unconventional oil and gas development. The policy also provides advisory information to the regulated industry. Once finalized, this document will replace the previous policy ''Compliance Monitoring of Oil and Gas Wells and Related Facilities and Activities'' that was issued in 2005. Revisions are necessary to reflect changes to the organizational structure of the agency and to update the policies and procedures to reflect current oil and gas development activities in Pennsylvania.

Written Comments: Interested persons may submit written comments on this Draft Technical Guidance Document by November 3, 2014. Comments submitted by facsimile will not be accepted. Comments, including comments submitted by e-mail, must include the originator's name and address. Written comments should be submitted to John Ryder, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of District and Oil and Gas Operations, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 15th Floor, P. O. Box 8765, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8467, with the subject line ''Comments on Standards and Guidelines for Identifying, Tracking, and Resolving Violations.''  Contact: John Ryder, 570-327-3636 or send email to:

DEP Technical Guidance In Process

Draft Technical Guidance Documents - DEP webpage

Technical Guidance Comment Deadlines - DEP webpage

Recently Closed Comment Periods For Technical Guidance - DEP webpage

Technical Guidance Recently Finalized - DEP webpage

Copies of Final Technical Guidance - DEP webpage

Other DEP Proposals For Public Review

Other Proposals Open For Public Comment - DEP webpage

Recently Closed Comment Periods For Other Proposals - DEP webpage

Other Proposals Recently Finalized - DEP webpage

Visit DEP’s new Public Participation Center for information on how you can Be Informed! and Get Involved! in DEP regulation and guidance development process.

Click Here for links to DEP’s Advisory Committee webpages.

DEP Calendar of Events

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