First PA Wilds Juried Artist Show Sept. 26 In Emporium, Cameron County

For the first time, only PA Wilds Juried Artist will sell artwork at an event in the PA Wilds.  The event will coincide with the All Fired Up & Kickin Ash BBQ Contest in Cameron County on September 26 in Emporium.

PA Wilds Juried Artist live in the 12 ½ counties that make up the PA Wilds.  The artwork has been juried and deemed to be of high quality earning the right to carry the Made in PA Wilds tag. 

“The idea for a show limited to juried PA Wilds artist came about during a presentation in Potter County,” explains Cameron County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Tina Johns Solak. 

Seeking a way to further distinguish the work of those living in the PA Wilds is the goal of the first ever event. 

“It is hoped that each county will host a PA Wilds Juried Show,” says Johns Solak.

More than 100 PA Wilds Juried Artists have been invited to the event.  Realizing the short notice given to artists, Johns Solak is not sure how many will commit to the event this year, but says the contest is a yearly event held the last Saturday of September.

PA Wilds jurying sessions are held two times a year.  The deadline for the next session is September 21. 

Artists and visitors can find information at the PA Wilds Artisan Trail website.


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