Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Keep PA Beautiful: 590,500 Volunteers Removed 7.5 Million Pounds Of Trash In 2015

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, its local affiliates and partners, held cleanup events in 2015 resulting in removing over 7.5 million pounds of trash, 1.9 million pounds of electronics waste, over 53,000 tires and involved over 590,500 volunteers.

The mission of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, which celebrated 25 years of community stewardship in 2015, is to empower Pennsylvanians to make our communities clean and beautiful.

The organization has 29 county and municipality-based affiliates across the state that work closely with program partners, local governments, like minded organizations and volunteers to coordinate initiatives in their three program areas of Prevent It, Clean It and Keep It.

The diverse project initiatives they and KPB undertake include illegal dump and river cleanups, litter pickups, recycling and special collections, tree and flower plantings, rain garden and outdoor classroom construction and educational events just to name a few.

The results for 2015 speak for themselves—

— 7,596,740 pounds of trash removed from Pennsylvania’s landscape;

— 1,944,850 pounds of electronics collected and properly recycled or disposed;

— 53,102 tires properly disposed;

— 590,526 volunteers; and

— $483,721 in-kind donations

“Since our inception in 1990, over 121 million pounds of trash has been removed from our landscape and over 3 million pounds of electronics have been collected and recycled!  We are proud of the efforts of such a diverse group of environmental and community stewards and thank them and all Pennsylvanians for 25 years of dedicated service to help make their communities clean and beautiful,” Shannon Reiter, President of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.

To get involved in 2016, Click Here to find a local affiliate near you, Click Here to volunteer, and sign up to organize a local clean up event as part of the 2016 Great American Cleanup of PA or contact Michelle Dunn, Great American Cleanup of PA Program Coordinator, at 1-877-772-3673 ext. 113 or send email to:

For more information on programs, initiatives and special events, visit the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and Illegal Dump Free PA websites.  Click Here to sign up for regular updates from KPB.


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