Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Reservations Now Being Accepted For April 19 Governor’s Environmental Awards Dinner

The PA Environmental Council is now accepting reservations for the April 19 dinner to honor the 2016 winners of the Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award to be held at the Harrisburg Hilton.

The Governor’s Awards are presented each year by the Department of Environmental Protection to highlight the best in environmental innovation and expertise throughout the Commonwealth.  

The awards are the highest statewide honor bestowed upon businesses and organizations for environmental performance and innovation from cleaning up watersheds, saving energy, and eliminating pollution, to reducing waste and more.

DEP Secretary John Quigley will provide the keynote address and DCNR Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn will provide special commentary for this special event.

Janelle Stelson, news anchor with WGAL Channel 8 in Lancaster, will be the program emcee.

The year’s sponsors include: Platinum- Dominion Resources, Silver- UGI Corporation, Bronze-Crisci Associates, Environmental Excellence Sponsor- Groundwater Sciences Corporation and Innovator Dinner Sponsors- K&L Gates LLP and RT Environmental Services, Inc.

For all the details and to register, visit PEC’s Governor’s Award Dinner webpage or send an email with your questions to Angela Vitkoski at:


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