Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
July 6 Facebook Town Hall On Zika Virus To Be Held By DEP, Health

The departments of Health and Environmental Protection will hold a Facebook Town Hall meeting at 11 a.m. July 6 to answer questions about the Zika virus

Department of Health Secretary Dr. Karen Murphy and DEP Acting Secretary Patrick McDonnell, along with other department experts, will take questions and talk about Pennsylvania's Zika Response Plan to educate pregnant women, travelers to Zika-affected areas and the general public about the Zika virus; prepare for Zika virus testing; enhance surveillance and control of mosquito populations that can spread Zika virus; and enhance surveillance for Zika cases in Pennsylvania.

More information about the FaceBook Town Hall will be available on the Department of Health's Facebook page on June 27.

For more information on the Zika Virus and steps you can take to prevent exposure, visit the Department of Health’s Zika Virus webpage.


Quinnipiac Poll: 52% Concerned About Contracting Zika Virus

Mosquitoes That Spread Zika Found In Lancaster

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(Reprinted from the June 23 DEP News. Click Here to sign up for your own copy.)


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