Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PennTAP: Building Re-Tuning: A Sustainability Workshop On Energy Efficiency Feb. 15 In Chester County

The PA Technical Assistance Program will hold a Building Re-Tuning: A Sustainability Workshop On Energy Efficiency on February 15 at the Penn State Great Valley Conference Center in Malvern, Chester County from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Building Re-Tuning is a systematic low-cost/no-cost approach to ensure that buildings are operating at maximum efficiency. BRT is for any local government building, community college, or K-12 school interested in reducing their facility energy costs.

This multi-media training includes a webinar, guest speakers, and two building walk-throughs in regional facilities. Additionally, a second webinar will be made available the week of February 5th, and is intended to be a prerequisite leading up to the workshop.

Click Here for all the details and to register.

Other upcoming programs include--

-- Feb. 20: Road To Alternative Energy For Businesses Webinar, Noon to 1:00.

-- April 18: Guide To Implementing An Energy Management System Webinar, Noon to 1:00.

-- June 21: Basics of Building Re-Tuning Webinar, Noon to 1:00.

For more information on other upcoming events or assistance available, visit the PennTAP website.


Submit Comments On Updated State Uniform Construction Code

[Posted: Jan. 22, 2018]


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