Scrapbook Photo 12/09/24 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

July 6-- PA Water Trails Partnership Mini Grants

July 6-- DEP Clean Diesel Grants (VW Settlement)

Check-- DEP Expands Small Business Advantage Grants To Farm Conservation Projects

July 13-- DEP Growing Greener Plus Watershed Grants

July 13-- DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants

July 18-- Northeast Environmental Partner Environmental Awards

July 20-- CFA Alternative & Clean Energy Funding

July 20-- CFA Renewable Energy-Geothermal & Wind Funding

July 20-- CFA Solar Energy Funding

July 20-- CFA High Performance Building Funding

July 31-- Keep PA Beautiful Fresh Paint Days Grants

July 31-- Fish & Boat Commission Boating Infrastructure Grants

August 1-- Delaware River Basin Commission Summer Photo Contest

August 15-- PA Leopold Farm Conservation Award $10,000

August 17-- NEW. PA Lake Management Society Mini-Grants

August 31-- OSMRE Not-For-Profit Acid Mine Drainage Watershed Grants

August 31-- Partnership For Delaware Estuary Schuylkill Shots Photo Contest

September 5-- PA Parks & Forests Foundation Photo Contest

September 15-- CFA Alternative & Clean Energy Funding

September 15-- CFA Renewable Energy-Geothermal & Wind Funding

September 15-- CFA Solar Energy Funding

September 15-- CFA High Performance Building Funding

September 28-- NEW. DCNR Multifunctional Riparian Forest Buffer Grants

September 28-- DEP Calendar 2017 Recycling Performance Grants

September 29-- NEW. Sinnemahoning Watershed Restoration Grants

September 30-- Fish & Boat Commission Clean Vessel Act Grants

October 31-- PA Resources Council Gene Capaldi Lens On Litter Photo Contest

December 14-- DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants

December 31-- DEP County Act 101 Waste Planning, HHW, Education Grants

-- Visit the DEP Grant, Loan and Rebate Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.

-- Visit the DCNR Apply for Grants webpage for a listing of financial assistance available from DCNR.


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