10th Annual Sustainability Conference: Smart Cities: Transforming Cities For A New Era March 6 Pittsburgh

The 10th Annual Sustainability Conference - Smart Cities: Transforming Cities For A New Era will be held March 6 in Pittsburgh at the August Wilson Center, 980 Liberty Avenue in Pittsburgh from 8:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m.

Exponentially increased computing power has played an astounding role in driving urban growth in the 21st century. This powerful dynamic presents an opportunity to consider conscious urban planning in a new and “smarter,” data-driven way.

Across the globe, public and private industries are advancing new cutting-edge smart technology to more efficiently manage resources, thereby promoting sustainable development for improved environmental and social outcomes.

These technologies span many applications, including energy grids, transportation, water utility systems, waste management, air quality, and public safety.

The featured Keynote speaker will be Dr. Donald Carter, Director of Remaking Cities Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.  Additional featured speakers include--

-- Grant Ervin – Chief Resilience Officer, City of Pittsburgh

-- Thomas Guentner – Program Manager, Landforce

-- Karen Lightman – Executive Director, Metro21: Smart Cities Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

-- Christine Mondor – Principal, evolveEA

-- Anna Siefken – Executive Director, Scott Institute for Energy Innovation, Carnegie Mellon University.

The Conference is presented by The American Society of Civil Engineers-Pittsburgh Section; The Environmental and Water Resources Institute-Pittsburgh Chapter; Metro21: Smart Cities Institute, Carnegie Mellon University; and Sustainable Pittsburgh’s Champions for Sustainability Network.

To register or for more information, visit the 10th Annual Sustainability Conference webpage.

For more information on programs, initiatives and upcoming events, visit the Sustainable Pittsburgh website.  Click Here to sign up for regular updates. Like them on Facebook, Follow them on TwitterClick Here to support their work.

To learn more about green innovation in the Pittsburgh Region, visit the Pittsburgh Green Story website.

Related Story:

Join I Am Sustainable Pittsburgh Challenge Running From Feb. 27 To March 20

[Posted: Feb. 15, 2019]


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