Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

May 10-- DEP Class 8 Truck/Transit Bus Clean Vehicle Grants

May 10-- NRCS-PA Conservation Stewardship Program

May 14-- NFWF Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants

May 14-- NFWF Chesapeake Bay Innovative Nutrient & Sediment Reduction Grants

May 15-- NEW. PEC Grants To Support Local Trails Month Events

May 15-- PA Anthracite Section Society Of Mining Engineers Scholarships

May 15-- Delaware River Basin Commission Spring Photo Contest

May 15-- Philadelphia Society Of Women Environmental Professionals Scholarships

May 17-- CFA High Performance Building Funding

May 31-- South Mountain Partnership Recreation, Conservation Mini-Grants

May 31-- CFA Act 13 Watershed Restoration Grants

May 31-- CFA Act 13 Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement and Treatment Grants

May 31-- CFA Act 13 Orphan or Abandoned Well Plugging Grants

May 31-- CFA Act 13 Baseline Water Quality Data Grants

May 31-- CFA Act 13 Sewage Facilities Grants

May 31-- CFA Act 13 Flood Mitigation Grants

May 31-- CFA Act 13 Greenways, Trails And Recreation Grants

June 15-- Berks Source Water Protection Logo Contest For Higher Ed Students

June 28-- NEW. Keep PA Beautiful Fresh Paint Days Beautification Grants

June 30-- Susquehanna Greenway Partnership Photo Contest

July 1-- PA Wilds Center Champion Of PA Wilds Awards

July 12-- DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Vehicle Grants

July 15-- DEP Grants/Rebates Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

July 19-- CFA High Performance Building Funding

August 15-- Leopold Farm Conservation Award

September 30-- DEP Recycling Performance Grants

December 16-- DEP Grants/Rebates Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

March 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

March 22-- DEP Act 101 Recycling Implementation Grants

June 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

September 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

September 4-- PA Parks & Forests Foundation Photo Contest

September 13-- CFA High Performance Building Funding

September 23-- DEP Class 8 Truck/Transit Bus Clean Vehicle Grants

December 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

December 13-- DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Vehicle Grants

-- Visit the DEP Grant, Loan and Rebate Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.

-- Visit the DCNR Apply for Grants webpage for a listing of financial assistance available from DCNR.


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