DCNR Accepting Applications For Wild Resources Conservation Fund Grants; Sept. 11 Hearing

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is now accepting applications for Wild Resources Conservation Fund Grants.  The deadline for applications is August 23.  (formal notice)

The FY 2019-20 priorities for funding include--

-- Climate Refugia: This project will identify and provide data and spatial information (GIS shapefiles) on potential climate refugia across the Commonwealth. The successful applicant will work closely with the PA Natural Heritage Program to ensure compatibility and continuity with their habitat connectivity analyses.

-- Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis: Use NatureServe’s Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) to evaluate plant species potentially at risk from climate change, including state listed, proposed, and common species that may be impacted in the future. This information will be used to help inform status change justifications for species of concern or those that are proposed for listing.

-- Surveys: Desmodium Identification and Distribution, Spiny Cheek Crayfish Assessment and  Secretive Marsh Bird Survey

-- Conservation & Management: Effects of Non-native Darters on the Chesapeake Logperch, Assessing Western Pennsylvania Stream Readiness for Mussel Recovery/Restoration, Response of Wildlife to Fire Management and Locating Indiana Bat Hibernacula

 For all the details and instructions on how to apply, visit the Wild Resource Conservation Fund Grants webpage.


The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will hold a hearing September 11 on applications received for FY 2019-20 Wild Resources Conservation Program Grants.

The hearing will be held in the 6th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building, starting at 10:00 a.m.

Questions about the grants or hearing should be directed to Jennifer Girton, 717-787-3212 or send email to: jgirton@pa.gov  or Greg Czarnecki, 717-783-1337 or send email to:  gczarnecki@pa.gov.

For more information on the program, visit DCNR’s Wild Resources Conservation Program webpage.

(Photo: Spiny Cheek Crayfish.)


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[Posted: July 12, 2019]


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