Construction Of SR89 Passive Mine Drainage Treatment System Has Begun In Washington Twp., Butler County

The Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition is excited to report that construction of the SR89 passive system is underway in Washington Township, Butler county.

The passive system will treat an acidic metal discharge known as SR89 (a.k.a. Magnum discharge) that is located on Game Commission Gamelands #95 property.

The SR89 discharge is perhaps the largest untreated discharge remaining that flows directly into the main branch of Slippery Rock Creek in that area.

The system is being constructed by Vogel Disposal Services as part of a mitigation agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection related to stream and wetland impacts associated with expansion of their Seneca Landfill.

The passive system will consist of terraced iron formations for low pH iron removal, a Jennings-style (mixture of compost, wood chips, and limestone) vertical flow pond, and settling pond/wetland.

Completion of this project along with the rehabilitation of older passive systems that are planned over the next couple of years should greatly improve Slippery Rock Creek.

For more information on programs, initiatives, upcoming events and how you can get involved, visit the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition website.

Clean Creek Products

Visit Clean Creek Products to find unique tableware, jewelry and other products made with iron oxide and manganese oxide harvested from passive mine drainage treatment facilities in Western Pennsylvania.

Your purchases help support mine drainage treatment and watershed restoration projects throughout the region.

(Reprinted from the August issue of The Catalyst newsletter published by the Slippery Rock Watershed CoalitionClick Here to sign up for your own copy.)


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[Posted: August 1, 2019]


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