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DEP Blog: Ten Tools Pennsylvania Is Using To Address Climate Change

By Deborah Klenotic, Deputy Communications Director

Climate change is a major challenge facing Pennsylvania, and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is leading many efforts to fight back and protect communities. 

The DEP Energy Programs Office began developing state climate action plans about 10 years ago, as required by the Pennsylvania Climate Change Act of 2008.

Under Governor Wolf, we’ve accelerated and expanded work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to equip Pennsylvania’s communities, businesses, and individual residents to address climate change impacts occurring now and projected for the near future.

In 2019, the governor set a state goal for greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced 26 percent by 2025 and 80 percent by 2050.

Here are ten things to know about climate change in Pennsylvania, and tools from DEP to take action whether you’re a government official, business owner, farmer, community or environmental group, educator and students, media organization, or concerned resident.

Find more materials at Because climate action is a team effort across state government, check other state agencies, too. 

1. Pennsylvania’s average temperature is rising.

Pennsylvania has become warmer and wetter over the past 120 years. The average state temperature has climbed nearly 2° F since 1901, and our average annual rainfall has increased about 10 percent, while extreme weather events have increased.

It’s projected that by mid-century, every county will be 4.9° F hotter than in 2000, with more days over 100° F, while average rainfall continues to increase 8-12 percent.

Find more temperature and rainfall data at: 2020 Pennsylvania Climate Impacts Assessment, prepared for the DEP Energy Programs Office by the Environmental and Natural Resources Institute at Penn State University.

2. Climate-related changes are happening now, and more are projected for the near future.

As Pennsylvania’s climate has become warmer and there’ve been more swings in extreme weather, we’re already seeing more frequent flood damage to communities, businesses, homes, and crops and livestock, as well as coastal sea level rise.

Other changes include declines in the winter recreation industry; an increase in vector-borne diseases such as Lyme Disease; and expansion of invasive species that are crowding out native plants, insects, and fish. 

It’s projected that more flooding will increasingly stress utility systems and roads and bridges in Pennsylvania.

More nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) and sediment runoff will be carried into streams and rivers. The dairy industry may shift from southeast to northwest counties, and poultry operations could double, approaching the size currently seen in southern and western states. 

Learn about these and other current and projected climate change impacts at: 2020 Pennsylvania Climate Impacts Assessment.

3. Pennsylvania’s greenhouse gas emissions are tracked yearly.

As a large state and an energy giant, Pennsylvania is one of the biggest generators of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. We emitted about 263 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2017 (the latest year for which data are available), with industry, electricity production, and transportation the largest sources.

Although there was an uptick in greenhouse gas emissions in 2016, the overall trend since our baseline year 2005 is a decline in emissions, spurred by several factors: the replacement of coal-powered electricity with natural gas, continued installation of energy efficiency measures, and increasing use of renewable energy, such as wind and solar. 

Big picture: Pennsylvania needs to achieve deeper reductions if we’re going to lower statewide greenhouse gas emissions 26 percent by 2025 and 80 percent by 2050 and avoid growing climate change impacts.

Find state greenhouse gas emissions data and trends at: 2020 Pennsylvania Greenhouse Gas Inventory, a public report from the DEP Energy Programs Office covering the residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, electricity production, agriculture, waste management, and forestry and land use sectors.

4. Pennsylvania is acting to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.

At Governor Wolf’s direction, DEP is developing a rulemaking to enable Pennsylvania to join 10 Northeast states in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

RGGI caps carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, sets up an auction system for plants to purchase emissions allowances, and invests the proceeds from these purchases in energy efficiency, clean energy sources, and related jobs for Pennsylvanians.

Thousands of Pennsylvanians commented on the draft rulemaking this fall. DEP is currently reviewing this input and developing a final draft for further review by stakeholder groups.

Find extensive information, including overviews in English and Spanish, and follow RGGI’s progress at: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

5. Pennsylvania’s state climate action plan can guide your efforts.

Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan 2018 is your go-to resource for starting climate action, whether you’re working on a state level; in a community, business sector, or classroom; or individually.

It recommends strategies and identifies 100 actions—in energy, transportation, forestry, farming, recreation, and other areas—that will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect Pennsylvanians’ health and safety, and create opportunities for new jobs and other economic benefits. 

Find the complete plan, a shorter version, a Spanish-language webinar, and more at: Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan. Watch for an updated state climate action plan, coming from DEP in fall 2021.

6. DEP is helping to fund increased use of electric vehicles.

Two programs—Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants and Driving PA Forward—provide funding to support purchases of electric vehicles and installation of charging stations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants.

We've funded over 900 chargers installed by local governments, schools, businesses, and organizations in locations around Pennsylvania. We also provide individual consumers rebates for electric cars and electric motorcycles: about 6,155 rebates totaling over $9.1 million in just the past five years!

Working with PennDOT, DEP is supporting development of “electric vehicle corridors” around the state. We’re targeting funding to support fast-charging installation along high-traffic highways, with the goal of having chargers available every 50 miles, and located no more than 5 miles off the road.

High-population areas, including Environmental Justice areas, will benefit from the healthier air quality as we reduce emissions.

Learn more about electric transportation efforts at: Electric Vehicles in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Electric Vehicle Roadmap 2021 Update, and PennDOT Energy and Environment Initiatives.

7. Counties, cities, townships, and boroughs across Pennsylvania are developing local climate action plans.   

Over 40 entities, representing 269 municipalities, are participating in the Local Climate Action Program of the DEP Energy Programs Office. They’re paired with college students and ICLEI USA to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and identify climate-related vulnerabilities.

They incorporate 2018 Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan recommendations into development of local plans. They learn how to ensure that residents in Environmental Justice areas are included in the planning process and further engage community members in the process.

Find out how your community can participate at: Local Climate Action Program.

8. Clean energy is the fastest growing energy job sector in Pennsylvania.  

State Data

Data show that clean energy is a leading creator of quality jobs in Pennsylvania. The sector added 7,794 jobs from 2017 through 19, for an 8.7 percent average job growth rate, compared to a 1.9 percent average overall job growth in the state. 

Five industries—energy efficiency, clean energy generation, alternative transportation, clean grid and storage, and clean fuels—together employed over 97,000 Pennsylvanians in 2019, and 75 percent of these workers earned higher wages than the statewide median.

Get the data to inform your business decisions or research at: 2020 Pennsylvania Clean Energy Employment.  

Solar Energy

While development of this cleanest of energy sources is growing, solar still supplies less than 1 percent of electricity in Pennsylvania. A partnership of experts led by the DEP Energy Programs Office identified 15 ways to increase this to 10 percent or more, including grid-scale solar and smaller, distributed systems.

They also identify the benefits of going solar, including over 60,000 new jobs, and economic benefits from fuel savings and avoided public health and environmental benefits.

Find out how bright solar energy’s future is at: Pennsylvania’s Solar Future Plan.

9. Through outreach and funding support, DEP helps to increase energy efficiency and promote clean energy in agriculture.

The DEP Energy Programs Office and Penn State Extension are partnering on webinars through spring 2021 and other outreach to farmers on the benefits of energy efficiency and clean energy to their operations as well as the natural resources they depend on.

The DEP Small Business Advantage Grant Program and other funding programs help farmers make energy investments.

Find resources at: Agricultural Energy Use.

10.  DEP has developed a Clean Energy Plan for Pennsylvania.

Over 85 percent of Pennsylvania’s greenhouse gas emissions are from production and use of energy. Clean energy and energy efficiency are key to reducing these emissions. What new directions in clean energy should Pennsylvania pursue?

The DEP Energy Programs Office has developed a set of recommendations for the next one to three years to support energy conservation and efficiency, advance clean energy technologies, and ensure energy security and resilience.

We’re beginning to carry out this plan to help give all Pennsylvanians cleaner, healthier, and more affordable and reliable energy choices.

Look ahead to more clean energy potential for Pennsylvania: Clean Energy Program Plan.

For more information on environmental programs in Pennsylvania, visit DEP’s website, Click Here to sign up for DEP’s newsletter, sign up for DEP Connects events, sign up for DEP’s eNotice, visit DEP’s BlogLike DEP on Facebook, Follow DEP on Twitter and visit DEP’s YouTube Channel.


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[Posted: February 17, 2021]


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