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PA Resources Council To Host 5 Backyard Composting, Rain Barrel Online Conservation Workshops In June

Want to learn new skills and protect the environment?  Take one of the PA Resources Council conservation workshops in June on backyard composting and rain barrel installation.

“PRC webinars are designed to raise awareness around environmental topics and to provide the necessary tools,” according to PRC Education Program Coordinator Nancy Martin.  “Using a rain barrel saves water and reduces our impact on waterways, and making our own compost from kitchen scraps and yard debris reduces landfill methane emissions while providing us with a wonderful product for use on garden beds.  Both of these activities benefit the environment in a variety of ways, both short term and long term."

PRC conservation workshop webinars are sponsored by Green Mountain Energy.

Backyard Composting

Learn the benefits of backyard composting, including the overall process, methods for setting up a compost pile, proper maintenance and ways to use finished compost.

The webinars will be held June 8 and June 28 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 

The $70 course fee includes instruction plus a FreeGarden EARTH compost bin, which features an 82-gallon capacity ideal for both urban and suburban settings. 

Individuals living in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and surrounding areas can take part in a Backyard Composting webinar on June 8 or June 28 and then pick up a compost bin at a regional PRC office in either Pittsburgh or Media, Delaware County.

Rain Barrel

Discover how to harvest rainwater from your roof, store it in a barrel and use it in the landscape.  Learn about problems associated with stormwater runoff and techniques to reduce your contribution to watershed pollution.

The $80 course fee includes instruction plus a FreeGarden RAIN 55-gallon easy-to-install rain barrel.  For individuals living in Western Pennsylvania.

The webinars will be held--

-- June 2 from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m., Bin pick up the evening of June 3 at Green Tree Municipal Building, Allegheny County

-- June 9 from 7:00 – 8:15 p.m., Bin pick up Friday, June 11, from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Murrysville Municipal Building, Westmoreland County

-- June 24  from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. bin pick up by appointment at PRC Office in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County

Click Here to register for these and other PRC webinars or e-mail

For more information on programs, initiatives and special events, visit the PA Resources Council website.  Click Here to sign up for regular updates, follow PRC on Twitter or Like them on FacebookClick Here for PRC’s Events Calendar.  Click Here to support their work.

PRC is Pennsylvania’s oldest grassroots environmental organization founded in 1939.  PRC has worked to protect resources for future generations through environmental education, recycling, waste diversion programs, anti-litter campaigns and other initiatives.

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[Posted: May 28, 2021]


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