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DEP Invites Comments On Changes To NPDES General Permit For Stormwater Discharges - PAG-03

The Department of Environmental Protection invites comments on proposed changes to the NPDES Water Quality General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated With Industrial Activities (PAG-03).  (formal notice)

DEP is proposing to make a number of substantive changes in the General Permit, including--

-- The Department proposes to clarify in the General Permit that facilities with structural stormwater best management practices (BMP) that do not discharge during the monitoring period are allowed to report ''no discharge'' on discharge monitoring reports. These facilities will be required to provide at least one sample result on the subsequent renewal Notice of Intent (NOI).

-- In addition to a Corrective Action Plan, after four consecutive exceedances of the benchmark values, the Department proposes to require permittees to complete and submit the Stormwater BMP Checklist (3800-PM-BCW0083l).

--The Department proposes to add a monitor and report requirement for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus to all appendices.

-- The Department proposes to increase the benchmark value for Total Suspended Solids from 100 mg/L to 150 mg/L in all appendices. The Department requests public input on this proposed increase to the benchmark value.

-- The Department proposes to add monitoring requirements for Oil & Grease to Appendices B & U and for Chemical Oxygen Demand to Appendix O.

-- The Department proposes to modify Appendix H to remove several facility categories that were previously listed as prohibited from coverage under the PAG-03 and requiring individual permit coverage. The Department has determined that these facilities do not require permit coverage.

-- A new No Exposure Certification (3800-PM-BCW 0083k) was developed to improve recordkeeping and ensure clear and consistent communication of the effective date, expiration date, ongoing eligibility and re-certification requirements.

-- The existing General Permit utilized the Annual Report to serve as the NOI for annual coverage under the PAG-03. New coverage was approved without an expiration date of coverage identified. The Department proposes to no longer utilize the Annual Report as an NOI for coverage under the reissued General Permit. The Department will notify PAG-03 permittees of the mechanism that must be used to continue coverage under a modified or reissued General Permit, and new coverage will specify an expiration date of coverage that corresponds to the PAG-03 expiration date.

-- The Department is proposing to collect information on existing Post-Construction Stormwater Management BMPs in the NOI.

The proposed NOI fee of $2,500, paid in annual increments of $500, has not changed in comparison to the PAG-03 General Permit that is currently in effect.

Click Here for copies of the draft General Permit and associated documents.

Read the entire PA Bulletin notice for more information.

Public comments are due February 22.  Questions should be directed to Sean Furjanic, DEP, by sending email to: or  call 717-787-2137.

Related Article:

-- DEP Notice Of Availability For NPDES Water Quality General Permit For Discharges From Hydrostatic Testing Of Tanks and Pipelines (PAG-10).  Click Here for copies.

[Posted: January 21, 2022]


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