PA Bulletin Public Notices

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the January 13 PA Bulletin--

-- PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices/Opportunities To Comment - January 13  [PaEN]

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the January 13 PA Bulletin that it has issued a Section 401 Water Quality Certification covering an Equitrans project to drill two new horizontal natural gas storage wells in the Swarts Complex and Hunters Cave Gas Storage Fields in Center, Franklin, Morris and Washington Townships, Greene County.  (PA Bulletin, page 213Read more here.

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the January 13 PA Bulletin it has received and is reviewing the Act 2 Land Recycling Final Report by Equitrans on the cleanup of soil around the conventional gas well that failed and resulted in the uncontrolled venting of 1.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas from the Rager Mountain Gas Storage Area in Jackson Township, Cambria County in November 2022. (PA Bulletin, page 201Read more here.

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a February 27 hearing on the Helix Ironwood gas-fired power plant Title V Air Quality Permit renewal for the facility located in South Lebanon Township, Lebanon County.  (PA Bulletin, page 176Read more here.

-- The Susquehanna River Basin Commission published notice in the January 13 PA Bulletin of water withdrawal projects approved in December.  Read more here.

-- The Public Utility Commission published notice in the January 13 PA Bulletin it is accepting nominations for PA One-Call Damage Prevention Committee.


February 1-- Virtual. Dept. Of Labor & Industry Uniform Construction Code Review and Advisory Committee meeting. 9:00 a.m.  Join via Zoom: Meeting ID: 361 131 6502, Passcode: 259161. Contact: Kristen Gardner at (717) 346-1497.  (formal notice)

February 29-- Virtual. Dept. Of Labor & Industry Uniform Construction Code Review and Advisory Committee meeting. 9:00 a.m.  Join via Zoom: Meeting ID: 361 131 6502, Passcode: 259161. Contact: Kristen Gardner at (717) 346-1497.  (formal notice)

March 28-- Virtual. Dept. Of Labor & Industry Uniform Construction Code Review and Advisory Committee meeting. 9:00 a.m.  Join via Zoom: Meeting ID: 361 131 6502, Passcode: 259161. Contact: Kristen Gardner at (717) 346-1497.  (formal notice)

PA Bulletin - January 13, 2024

Note: The Department of Environmental Protection published 61 pages of public notices related to proposed and final permit and approval/ disapproval actions in the January 13 PA Bulletin - pages 154 to 215.

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-- Allegheny County Health Department Public Comment Notices

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[Posted: January 12, 2024]


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