James McGirr Kelly Award For Excellence Given to Rick Rogers, EPA

The Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Association of Water Companies has selected Rick Rogers, Chief of the Drinking Water Branch of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 for its prestigious James McGirr Kelly Award.

The Chapter will present the award at a luncheon and awards ceremony on May 7.

The James McGirr Kelly Award for Excellence is the highest honor bestowed by the Pennsylvania Chapter and is presented each year to the resident of Pennsylvania who most exemplified dedication to promoting the availability of safe drinking water in the Commonwealth.

Rick Rogers has served as Chief of the Drinking Water Branch since 1987 and is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the majority of the Safe Drinking Water Act programs in the Middle Atlantic region.

That includes a wide range of responsibilities from regulatory development to oversight of delegated state programs and the associated federal grants directed annually to states.

Rogers has been front and center on all of the complex issues facing the water industry, addressing both industry and the public on the use of chloramines as a disinfectant, lead and pharmaceuticals in drinking water, and the need for sustainable water infrastructure initiatives. Roger’s leadership of the Drinking Water Branch and dedication to promoting the availability of safe drinking water in the Commonwealth and throughout the region has been exceptional.

Since September 11, 2001, security and counter terrorism work has become a major focus of the Drinking Water Branch. Rick and his staff have been actively involved with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Security Division and have done much to meet the challenges posed by the Federal Bioterrorism Act of 2002. Specifically, he worked with the Chapter in drafting Act 51 of 2005, which authorizes the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) to lend monies it receives from Federal and State sources to public and private water and wastewater systems for security-related infrastructure improvements.

In addition, Rogers and his staff provided guidance and support to the Chapter’s efforts to enact Act 156 of 2006. Act 156 limits the public disclosure of confidential security information relating to public utilities, including municipal or authority systems, to protect such facilities against sabotage or criminal or terrorist acts.

When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2007, Rogers went to Louisiana and Mississippi to help restore drinking water service to thousands of Gulf Coast residents whose treatment plants were damaged or flooded.

His main role for the first ten years with the agency was the regional office lead for microbial quality of drinking water and the prevention of waterborne disease outbreaks. In addition, Rogers serves as the agency’s representative on the Water Utility Council of the Pennsylvania Section, American Water Works Association.

In 1994, Rick earned a Master of Science in Management degree from Boston University and the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. His undergraduate degrees in marine science and biology were earned from East Stroudsburg University in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1982.

Prior to working with the Environmental Protection Agency, Rick spent four years with the Philadelphia Water Department as an aquatic biologist.

The Annual Award for Excellence was named for the late James McGirr Kelly, Senior United States District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Judge Kelly was a former member of the Public Utility Commission and former vice president of American Water Works Service Company, Inc. He was the first recipient of the award in 1983.

Past award winners include 2006 Paul K. Marchetti, 2005 Representative Carole Rubley, 2004 Terrance J. Fitzpatrick, 2003 Fredrick A. Marrocco, 2002 David E. Hess, 2001 John M. Quain, 2000 Senator Raphael J. Musto, 1999 Walter A. Lyon, 1998 Michael D. Klein, 1997 David A. Long, PhD, 1996 Governor Tom Ridge, 1995 Senator David J. Brightbill, 1994 Wendell F. Holland, 1993 William R. Shane, 1992 William R. Lloyd, 1991 Edith D. Stevens, 1990 Dr. Ruth Patrick, 1989 Governor Robert P. Casey, 1988 Senator D. Michael Fisher, 1987 George I. Bloom, 1986 Clifford L. Jones, 1985 Dr. Maurice K. Goddard, and in 1984 Governor Dick Thornburgh.

For more information contact Erik Ross by sending email to: eross@deltaone.com


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