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PA Master Naturalist Program Expands In Western PA; Training To Be Offered In 2019

The Allegheny Land Trust Wednesday announced it is hosting the Pennsylvania Master Naturalist Program for the first time in Washington County and for a second round in Allegheny County in 2019.

Applications for the program will be accepted through January 15.

A Pennsylvania Master Naturalist is an individual with a passion for the natural world who participates in an intensive training program and uses his or her knowledge by giving back to the community through volunteer service.

Founded in 2010, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist Program is a statewide partnership initiative that aims to connect people with their local ecosystems through intensive natural science training and local conservation service work.

It is a venture directed toward developing a local corps of master volunteers and service providers to offer education, outreach and service dedicated to the understanding and management of natural areas within their communities.

Pennsylvania is an ecologically diverse state that can be divided into distinct ecological regions or ecoregions.

Pennsylvania Master Naturalist has divided the state into four ecoregion-based curriculum modules (defined by EPA level II ecoregions): Appalachian Forests, Eastern Temperate Forests, Atlantic Highlands and Southeastern and Coastal Plains.

This year-round program has three components to the 55-hour training: an initial volunteer training course, volunteer service hours, and advanced training classes.

“We’re very excited for this program to expand on our side of the state, and very proud to be the nonprofit partner making it happen,” Vice President of Education Jessica Kester said. “It’s a great opportunity for educators, volunteers, and nature lovers alike to earn a prestigious ecological training while giving back to their communities.”

ALT facilitated the very first program on the western side of the state last year, which took place in Allegheny County. The cohort of 25 was the largest to ever run, resulting in 2019’s expansion of the program to another county.

Western PA Training Dates

The program training dates are--

-- Allegheny County:  Mondays 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. on March 25, 28 (rain date) | April 1, 6*, 8, 15, 22, 27*, 29 | May 6, 13, 18*, 20, 30 (Thursday) | June 3, 8*, 10, 17, 24 (rain date)

-- Washington County: Wednesdays 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. on March 27, 28 (rain date) | April 3, 6*, 10, 17, 24, 27* | May 1, 8, 15, 18*, 22, 29 | June 5, 8*, 12, 19, 26 (rain date)

* indicates a day in the field.

Click Here to find instructions to apply online.

Other 2019 Training Areas

The PA Master Naturalist Training will also be offered in these areas in 2019--

-- Chester County (Northern)

-- Delaware County

-- Montgomery County

-- Montour County

Fall 2019 training courses are tentatively planned for these areas--

-- Berks County

-- Bucks County

-- Chester County

-- Westmoreland County

For more information on these training opportunities, contact the PA Naturalist Regional Coordinator in the area near you-- Southeastern PA: Ellyn Nolt--; Southwestern PA: Maeve Rafferty--; or Northcentral PA: Michele Richards--

More information on this program is available by visiting the Pennsylvania Master Naturalist Program website.

Other Citizen Science Training Opportunities:

Penn State Extension: Master Watershed Steward Program

Penn State Extension: Master Well Owner Network

DCNR TreeVitalize Tree Tenders Training

DCNR Citizen Science Events In State Parks, Forests

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[Posted: Oct. 17, 2018]


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