Be Inspired By Those Recognized For Their Good Works For The Environment In 2009
In 2009 there were dozens and dozens of individuals, companies, watershed groups and community organizations recognized for their environmental good works. We hope their example inspires you to make Pennsylvania's environment a better in 2010--
The winners of three Achievement Awards for Conservation, Youth Mentoring and Humanitarianism were announced by the Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show this week. All three winners are from Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council and seven other regional organizations this week announced they have selected 12 finalists for the 2009 Philadelphia Sustainability Awards for businesses, individuals, academic institutions, community groups and government agencies from the greater Philadelphia region.
The Allegheny County Health Department has presented more than a dozen local businesses and institutions with Enviro Star awards for voluntarily adopting pollution prevention practices and announced it is accepting nominations for the 2009 awards.
The Pennsylvania Resources Council announced the winners of its annual "Lens on Litter" photo contest. The winning photos, received from all over the state.
Brian Gula, and environmental education specialist at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center, has been honored with the Earth Friend Award from Erie’s WSEE-TV and the Lake Erie Regional Conservancy.
The Valley Creek Restoration Partnership celebrated the successful restoration of Crabby Creek on January 24 at the Tredyffrin Township Building, Berwyn.
Pennsylvania leads all states in the number of colleges and universities participating in the 2009 RecycleMania competition sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Richard B. Alley, Evan Pugh professor of geosciences, Penn State, will share the 2009 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement with Veerabhadran (Ram) Ramanathan, distinguished professor of climate and atmospheric sciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego.
The State Agriculture and Rural Leaders Association recognized Rep. Jerry Stern (R-Blair) for excellence in agriculture and rural policy making at its annual conference in January for the legislation creating the Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) farm conservation tax credit program.
The Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts this week honored House Speaker Keith McCall (D-Carbon) and Sen. Rob Wonderling (R-Montgomery) with the 2009 PACD Legislator Recognition Award.
The middle and lower Susquehanna River, a watershed that has shaped countless community lifestyles in central Pennsylvania and is emerging as a recreational treasure of the future, was recognized this week as Pennsylvania's River of the Year for 2009.
At their conference this past weekend, the PA Association of Environmental Educators recognized outstanding contributions by individuals, programs and businesses to the field of environmental education.
The Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts announced this week that Fountain Farm in Boiling Springs, Cumberland County, Saxe Farms in Dushore, Sullivan County, and Mountain Top Enterprise in Harrison Valley, Potter County, have been named recipients of the 2009 Pennsylvania Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Farm Awards.
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission recently presented the Commission’s sixth William W. Jeanes, Sr. Award for Environmental Excellence to Robert E. Hughes for his commitment and dedication to abandoned mine reclamation and abandoned mine drainage remediation.
At the recent annual meeting of the PA Recreation and Park Society gave out awards to five current or former Department of Conservation and Natural Resource employees, recognizing many years of service in support of improving recreational opportunities and parks through the Commonwealth--
The PA Parks and Forests Foundation announced the recipients of the 2009 state park and forests awards this week which recognize eight groups, facilities and individuals for exemplary service, programs and work to protect and enhance our state park and forest system.
In honor of its ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability, the University of Pittsburgh has been awarded the Allegheny County Health Department's Enviro-Star Award.
The Meadville Area Water Authority, managed by American Water, has received the 2009 Source Water System of the Year Award from the Pennsylvania Rural Water Association.
Local governments that have partnered with their communities and have used forward-thinking approaches to revitalize towns, create jobs and improve the quality of life for residents were honored this week by the Rendell Administration for their excellence.
PA CleanWays this week announced the winners of the 2009 Litter Hawk Youth Award Program.
Gov. Rendell this week recognized fifteen Pennsylvania businesses and organizations adopting environmentally-friendly practices and technologies and are working to revitalize communities, reduce pollution, and educate the public on the benefits of being good stewards of the state’s natural resources.
The most recent full-length documentary produced by DCNR’s Wild Resource Conservation Program and Commonwealth Media has received two prestigious film awards.
The Philadelphia Phillies and five other Pennsylvania-based organizations have been honored for their investment in our natural resources and our economy by taking top honors in a statewide Investing in Nature Awards program.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week released a list of the nation’s 50 top green power purchasers, including four organizations from Pennsylvania-- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (12), University of Pennsylvania (19), Pennsylvania State University (39) and ING (45)
This week RecycleBank was recognized by the United Nations Environment Program as a 2009 Champion of the Earth for its development of economic models that provide incentives for people to take positive green action.
Gov. Rendell this week announced the recipients of the third annual Governor's Awards for Excellence and praised all state employees for their dedication to service during national Public Employee Recognition Week.
The Carnegie Science Centerthis week announced the winners of the 2009 Carnegie Science Awards at Carnegie Music Hall. The environmental award was given to Rebecca Flora, formerly with the Pittsburgh Green Building Allianceand now the U.S. Green Building Council.
Students from a Philadelphia elementary school, a Kutztown middle school, and a community college were honored this week for their efforts to protect the Schuylkill River.
The National Association of Water Companies, Pennsylvania Chapter this week recognized Rep.Camille “Bud” George (D-Clearfield) with its James McGirr Kelly Award for Excellence.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson recognized young people from across the country at the 2008 President’s Environmental Youth Awards ceremony this week, including Ryan Morgan from Moscow, Pa.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson made a special trip this week to West Philadelphia High School where students have designed two hybrid vehicles that may one day hit the commercial market.
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the PA Land Trust Association both recognized individuals and local governments for their efforts to permanently protect land and water resources.
The winner of the 2009 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency SunWise with SHADE national sun safety poster contest is 13-year old Christoffer Crowley of Bernville, Berks County, Pa.
The team from Penncrest High School in Delaware County is the winner of the 2009 Pennsylvania State Envirothon held May 19 at Bald Eagle State Park, in Howard, Centre County.
The PA Association of Environmental Professionals presented its 2009 Karl Mason award last week to Dr. Devra L. Davis, University of Pittsburgh's Department of Epidemiology and the Montour Run Watershed Association.
It was a tough battle to the end but Bellefonte High School pulled out the victory the the recycling competition held between Bald Eagle, Bellefonte, Penns Valley & Philipsburg-Osceola High Schools.
Snakes and salamanders, wildlife and watersheds, and brownfields with a green future comprise the five area environmental programs that have been named as the winners of the 2009 Western Pennsylvania Environmental Awards, announced this week by Dominion and the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
Linda McKenna Boxx, the president of the Allegheny Trail Alliance and the driving force behind the creation of the Great Allegheny Passage, a 150-mile trail connecting Pittsburgh to Cumberland, Maryland, received a lifetime achievement award, this week from the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, and Wilkes-Barre Mayor Thomas Leighton have been selected to receive the 2009 Conference of Mayors' Climate Protection Awards, a program sponsored by The U.S. Conference of Mayors and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Carving out just a sliver of time to accept statewide honors from the Bureau of State Parks, a Centre County husband-and-wife team is back on the trail—the Cavity-Nesting Trail, that is, at Black Moshannon State Park.
Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato this week announced the Western Pennsylvania Energy Consortium has been recognized as a Green Power Partner by the Environmental Protection Agency.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week recognized chemical technologies developed by leading researchers and industrial innovators with the 2009 Presidential Green Chemistry Awards, including a professor at Carnegie Mellon University.
The Lehigh Valley/Berks County Air Quality Partnership, the American Lung Association of Pennsylvania and Woman’s Club of Allentown this week presented the 38th R. Emmet Doherty Clean Air Award to Ron Mordosky, former DEP Air Quality Program supervisor, during a ceremony in Bethlehem.
The Schuylkill Action Network, a group of over 100 member-organizations and individuals, has awarded five recipients with MVP, or Most Valuable Partner Awards, for their work in carrying out restoration and enhancement projects that reduce water pollution in the Schuylkill River watershed of southeastern Pennsylvania.
Wildlands Conservancy this week announced the winners of the 2009 Friend of the Lehigh River Awards: Monroe County Open Space Program; the late Ted Miller, founding member of Lehigh River Stocking Association; and Ron Horiszny.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week presented an Energy Star Combined Heat and Power award to Duquesne University Energy Center for using highly efficient CHP systems to reduce energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.
The Villa Maria Academy in Erie was recognized with an Energy Star Program plaque this week from the Department of Environmental Protection for scoring near the top in a federal energy audit.
Jane Hallinan from Altoona Area High School, Blair County, was chosen by PA CleanWays this week to receive the $1,000 Sue Wiseman Scholarship.
The Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania, PA Waste Industries Association and the Keystone Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America this week announced the winners of the 2009 Waste Watcher Awards to recognize Pennsylvania’s most outstanding recycling programs/projects.
The Solid Waste Association of North America is pleased to announce the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority was awarded SWANA’s Gold Excellence in Solid Waste Management Award.
The 11th Annual PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation and Coal History Conference was the site of a special Mayfly Awards presentation.
Four individuals and one county conservation district were recognized by the State Conservation Commission for their work to improve Pennsylvania's environment through sound and innovative conservation practices.
The PA Association of Conservation Districts this week hosted a conservation awards program to acknowledge efforts of individuals and organizations to further the activities and accomplishments of conservation districts on a statewide basis.
ARIPPA’s Executive Director Jeff A McNelly reported this week the waste-coal-to-alternative-energy industry in Pennsylvania have now restored over 4,500 acres of reclaimed mine-scarred lands since 1998.
Delaware County's Penncrest High School Envirothon Team took first place in the national Canon Envirothon held earlier this month at the University of North Carolina–Asheville.
Dickinson College has been named to the Princeton Review's "Green Honor Roll," for sustainable practices. The Carlisle institution is one of 15 colleges to receive a rating of 99 out of of 100 points, along with Harvard, Yale, and Evergreen State College of Washington.
The Association of State Dam Safety Officials has selected Pennsylvania American Water to receive the 2009 Northeast Regional Award of Merit. The association presents the award annually to organizations or individuals that have made outstanding contributions to dam safety.
In October 1949, a group of determined area farmers petitioned the Westmoreland County commissioners and successfully got their wish: The creation of a conservation district in Westmoreland County to help them conserve the rich agricultural soils that formed the foundation of their livelihoods.
Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future this week announced the winners of the 2009 Green Power Awards at a special awards ceremony in Philadelphia.
The Brodhead Watershed Association in Monroe County is holding a special 20th anniversary celebration on September 25 at the Gazebo on the Lawn at the Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort.
The Department of Environmental Protection this week petitioned to have Babb Creek in Tioga County removed from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's list of impaired streams, culminating two decades of work to restore a stream that had been dead for more than a century.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is recognizing 11 small businesses and congregations for their efforts to fight climate change including the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church in Delaware County.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week presented the regional Source Water Protection award to the Meadville Area Water Authority in Meadville, Crawford County, for protecting drinking water sources.
The Wildlands Conservancy announced this week Crayola is the 2009 recipient of Wildlands Conservancy’s Ark Award.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s mid-Atlantic region this week announced 10 winners of its annual environmental achievement awards, six of those winners were from Pennsylvania.
At its quarterly business meeting last week, the Susquehanna River Basin Commission presented the Commission’s seventh William W. Jeanes, Sr. Award for Environmental Excellence to The Nature Conservancy for its past and current work to protect water quality in the Susquehanna watershed.
An ancient river got a brand new plaque on September 9 when the “five gaps” area north of Harrisburg was recognized once again as a “national natural landmark.”
The Department of General Services has earned national honors for developing innovative and cost-saving strategies to purchase the energy that powers state government, receiving a George Cronin Silver Award from the National Association of State Procurement Officials, or NASPO.
Philadelphia University's innovative M.S. in Sustainable Design Program has received the 2009 Excellence in Green Building Education Recognition Award from the U.S. Green Building Council.
The federal Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement this week recognized six state agencies for excellence in reclaiming abandoned mines, including the Department of Environmental Protection's Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation.
At the annual meeting of Trout Unlimited’s PA Council on October 3, the Doc Fritchey Chapter in Central Pennsylvania was honored to receive the Edward J. Urbas Award for Best Pennsylvania Chapter.
The Fish and Boat Commission board this week awarded Dr. William E. Sharpe of Port Matilda, Pa., with the 2008 Ralph W. Abele Conservation Heritage Award.
The Portland Cement Association this week presented Philadelphia's Mayor Nutter with the prestigious Sustainable Leadership Award, at the BuildGreen 2009 conference.
Chesapeake Energy Corporation this week announced it has been selected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as the Natural Gas STAR Production Partner of the Year.

Pittsburgh Selected North American Host City For World Environment Day 2010
The United Nations Environment Programme has named Pittsburgh the host city for World Environment Day 2010 in North America. The theme is “Biodiversity: Connecting with Nature.”

EPA Trailblazer Awards Honor Two Philadelphia Area Hospitals
In a ceremony this week at the annual meeting of the Delaware Valley Healthcare Council, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recognized two Philadelphia-area hospitals with Trailblazer Awards for their environmental leadership-- Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, and Doylestown Hospital, Doylestown
The Penn Ohio Watershed Association hosted the 4th Annual Pymatuning/Shenango Watershed Challenge at Munnell Run Farm in Mercer County, Pa on October 21.
The Pennsylvania Bureau of State Parks has won the prestigious National Gold Medal Award presented by the American Academy of Park and Recreation Management in partnership with the National Recreation and Park Association, and proudly sponsored by Musco Lighting.
DeSales University Senior TV/Film major Brandon Pousley, of Perkasie, Pa, received a regional Emmy Award from the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for his work as editor for Cosmo's World, a program produced for the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to teach biodiversity to 4th graders.
Pittsburgh-based supermarket retailer Giant Eagle, Inc. this week celebrated the receipt of a Green Grocer award from the supermarket industry's Progressive Grocer magazine.
The PA Horticultural Society and Keep PA Beautiful this week announced the winners of the 2009 Community Greening Awards.
Montgomery County Green Futures fourth annual Achievement Awards were announced recognizing six dynamic communities for their outstanding achievements and efforts demonstrating exemplary land protection, effective partnerships in regional planning, and visionary open space projects.
The Chester County Board of Commissioners and the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry, with the support of the Chester County Solid Waste Authority, recognized the 2009 Green Business Award recipients at this year’s Annual Dinner.
The Pennsylvania Resources Council hosted a milestone event on November 12 marking PRC’s 70th anniversary as the Commonwealth’s oldest, grassroots, environmental advocacy organization.
The ClearWater Conservancy recently recognized a number of individuals for their environmental stewardship.
Two Montgomery County Community College faculty earned third place in the national ConocoPhillips/ Penn State Energy Prize Contest for their team’s innovative design of a vertical axis wind turbine system.
The Northeast Environmental Partnership and the Pennsylvania Environmental Council recently presented their 19th annual Environmental Partnership Awards at a dinner in Wilkes-Barre.
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy this week announced the winner and runners up in the 2009 photo contest. Dan Pompa's A Fisherman's View was the overall winner.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson this week recognized four diverse communities that are models of how to grow in ways that protect our nation’s air, land, and water; reduce greenhouse gas emissions; provide safe and affordable housing; and strengthen local economies, including Lancaster County.
PPG Industries, headquartered in Pittsburgh, has joined the U.S. Department of Energy’s Save Energy Now LEADER Program, reinforcing the company’s voluntary efforts to significantly reduce its industrial energy intensity.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week presented Joseph C. Ashkar Elementary School in Lycoming County with an Energy Star label for being among the top 25 percent energy efficient school buildings nationwide.
On October 29, the Conservation Partners met at the Masonic Center Temple in Bradford to celebrate 50 Years of Conservation Partnerships in McKean County.
Bob Berich of South Huntingdon Township has been named 2009 “Farmer of the Year” by the Westmoreland Conservation District.


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